
Consumers are feeling more confident to travel and are heading to St. Petersburg to escape the cold.

As vaccine distribution increases and COVID-19 cases continue to drop, traveling is top of mind. Despite reluctance to travel during the pandemic, TSA passenger counts have continued to spike around popular holiday weekends. This past weekend, however, was the first time since March where traveler counts have spiked on a non-holiday- exceeding 900,000 travelers for 5 consecutive days!

MCO Wallwrap

Wanting to escape the cold that has been spread across the nation for the past few weeks, travelers are looking to head south this winter. According to Forbes, 2020’s busiest travel destinations were Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida. By taking advantage of the influx of passengers heading to the warmth, Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater is showing off their best attractions at Orlando International Airport.

MCO Wallwrap

With the help of JCDecaux, this top Florida destination is advertising on MCO’s wall-to-wall tunnel domination! These impossible-to-miss wall wraps captivate travelers and maximize views in one of Florida’s busiest airports.