JCDecaux has a Charter of Fundamental Social Values which is based on the international standards of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization. Among the 17 commitments enshrined in our Charter are the “no discrimination in the workplace” and the “condemnation of all forms of harassment and violence.” As individuals, and as a leadership team, we have reflected on the impact of the recent racist events across the country and what we can do in response.
JCDecaux stands in solidarity with protesters across the country demanding accountability, justice and equity for the victims of systemic racism. We have witnessed the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor, and now, George Floyd. And there are countless others who also deserve acknowledgment and justice.
We recognize that racism, injustice and brutality impact us all and as a business we are committed to actively creating an inclusive and diverse culture where everyone feels a sense of belonging and is respected as an individual. We have long been committed to having an open and diverse workplace, and to being a platform for equal opportunity and equal experience. We are speaking up now and joining the voices of so many because silence is acceptance, silence is consent. And, we must all engage to change, and we are committed to doing that. We have work to do, and we pledge to do it.
Change begins with dialogue. Today we commit to listen, to deepen our understanding, and to shape our community’s future based on what we learn through these conversations. We commit to increasing JCDecaux engagement on these issues in a safe and open way.