
VIOOH partnered with international research and strategy agency, MTM, to survey 1,200 advertisers and agencies across five key global markets to gain insights into the current state of prDOOH advertising.

The State of Programmatic DOOH in the US

The US DOOH market is well-established, with strong adoption of programmatic buying. In the past 18 months, 29% of US campaigns have incorporated prDOOH, a figure expected to rise to 37% over the next 18 months.

US advertisers are increasingly embracing programmatic buying for DOOH, drawn to its flexibility, precise targeting, and efficiency. 

93% of marketers consider prDOOH to offer the most innovative opportunities of all media channels (+13% ppt YOY). PrDOOH also enhances brand credibility and contributes to a positive perception (64% prDOOH vs. 50% DOOH vs. 47% OOH). 

Key Programmatic Trends in the US

84% of US advertisers utilize OOH specialist media agencies for prDOOH planning and buying, noticeably higher than the global average of 76% (+31% ppt YOY). In addition, Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) have seen a substantial surge in adoption, with a 34% utilization rate (+17% ppt YOY). 

An impressive 94% of US marketers are considering, piloting, or actively integrating Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) into their campaigns. Over half (56%) prioritize the ability to utilize dynamic creative, and a similar proportion (57%) emphasize the importance of leveraging first or third-party data in their decision-making processes. 

Performance metrics are pivotal for US marketers not only in assessing campaign success but also in shaping future prDOOH strategies.

The Future of PrDOOH in the US

Survey respondents plan to increase their prDOOH budgets by an average of 29% over the next 18 months, and 37% are reallocating budgets from other digital channels to prDOOH.

The demands of marketers reflect a growing emphasis on measurable results, optimized spending, and targeted placement in the prDOOH space.

Explore the full research here