It’s Climate Week NYC! As an official sponsor, we are proud to showcase brands that are using our street furniture to reach climate-focused viewers with messages of environmental advocacy and sustainable brand solutions.
Hosted by the Climate Group, Climate Week NYC celebrates local environmental achievements while emphasizing continued global action.

The implementation of initiatives which promote long-term sustainability is a mission that is not only shared by the Climate Group and JCDecaux but by countless other brands that leverage our urban media platforms to promote these values.

Capgemini is an IT industry leader and official Gold sponsor of Climate Week NYC. Their current campaign highlights the opportunities for a climate-positive future that can be achieved with innovative technology.

Global consultancy and Silver sponsor of this year’s program, Bain & Company, is using our digital ad faces in New York to showcase their services which help guide companies through decarbonization processes and general ESG initiatives.
Both Capgemini and Bain & Company leveraged the flexibility of programmatic ad buying to quickly secure a real-life voice ahead of Climate Week’s kick-off. PrDOOH is ideal for current events like Climate Week which provide opportunities for contextually relevant messaging among target audiences.

In addition to official sponsors, Climate Week NYC is seeing general environmentally conscious brands target urban viewers with their own messages of operational sustainability.
Australian-based iron ore company, Fortescue, is driving awareness of their plan for total decarbonization by 2030- the first major heavy industry company to make such a pledge.

Similarly, London-headquartered Standard Chartered Bank has taken to our digital bus shelters across New York to announce their own goal for net zero operations by 2050.

The task of creating a plan for operational sustainability is no small undertaking. Fortunately, Watershed is an enterprise climate platform that helps companies like these mentioned measure their carbon footprint and assess a plan for positive environmental action.

As Climate Week NYC 2022 executes its 14th year of global climate collaboration, its organizers are encouraging both the celebration of environmental progress and the exploration of new ways to address ongoing climate issues.
Learn more about how you can turn climate interest into action by checking out Climate Week NYC’s resources!