Netflix casting calls for reality shows are now open, can you see yourself applying?
Netflix is holding its largest casting call in history and enriching its pool of applicants by utilizing an Innovate campaign on our New York City bus shelters. Four mirrored creatives feature a space where the ad-viewer can insert themselves in the context of beloved shows including, Too Hot to Handle, Love is Blind, Nailed It, and The Circle.

Running on 29 locations, Netflix solidified the self-reflection trope within the frame of the shows as its campaign story. A QR code in the bottom corner of each ad leads the scanner to the start of the application process, making the opportunity feel both accessible and realistic.

A mirror backdrop gives a fun feel to this campaign, aiming to attract the likeable and light-hearted people fit for these reality shows. Choosing the New York City market is purposeful in audience targeting as it is home to many people with large personalities, major aspirations, and/or hopeful careers in the entertainment industry. The high population density in the city is also sure to yield the desired results of a plentiful pool of applicants.