
Auto brands drive their messages home with roadside billboard advertisements.

The nation’s largest auto show is using billboards to reach auto-lovers where they feel the most at home: on the road. The ads feature the 2020 Land Rover Defender and the 2020 Porsche Taycan, just two of the many debut vehicles that will be on display at the 2020 Chicago Auto Show.

Chicago Auto Show billboard February 8-17

Local car dealerships are also recognizing the power of JCDecaux’s Chicago digital network to reach drivers on busy roadways around the city. One such dealership is Mini Cooper’s Glencoe North Shore location. Running their winter-themed billboard advertisements at the same time and place as the Auto Show campaign allows them to reach Chicago consumers for whom cars are already top of mind.

Mini Cooper Countryman ALL4 - Glencoe North Shore billboard ad

Our Chicago digital network is a great way to drive brand messages home to consumers of all types.