Southwest Law School is reaching their Millennial target audience at LAX by utilizing JCDecaux's eye-catching digital units!
This past year, many individuals reflected on their lives and made major changes. With high vaccination rates across the country, consumers are ready to get back to reality and many are looking to further their education and career.
Southwestern Law School, LAX
Southwestern Law School has teamed up with JCDecaux to attract students across Los Angeles International Airport by running on our captivating digital advertising units. Adjusting to current times and allowing part-time programs with distance options, consumers can achieve a higher education from anywhere!
Southwestern Law School, LAX
With many young travelers taking to the skies for spring break travel, Southwestern Law School reaches their target audience of Millennial travelers. By showcasing ads with customized messaging on LAX’s prestige digital network and digital charging stations, Southwestern can effectively grab students attention and reach a wide variety of travelers in this major airport.